Saturday, November 5, 2011

What's It Worth?

   Lately I've been reading some of Paul's writings in the New Testament. Something that has really been standing out to me this time through is how important helping eachother really is. I think sometimes we go through life, trying to get the best for us and our families - which isn't necessarily bad, but there's more to life than that....

   Paul is willing to do anything it takes to tell someone the Gospel and to help the fellow Christians around him grow. Whatever it takes. He would willingly get beat. Willingly get spit on. Willingly fight a lion with his bare hands in an arena. Willingly be imprisoned. Willingly go hungry..... Would WE do these things in order to encourage and teach a brother or sister in Christ, or in order to tell someone the Gospel? Reading this you may think, ah yes, the Gospel IS that important - I should do that! But truth is, Paul was also willing to go through these things simply to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ. Wow....just wow. No money can buy the life of a soul. No time. No car. No house. Nothing. Nothing on this earth can compare to the importance of an eternal soul.

   So let us ask this question of ourselves: what is a soul worth in my eyes?

   Here is a verse as example, though it hardly brushes the edge of Paul's devotion to God by the exhorting of others' souls.

"For we rejoice when we ourselves are weak but you are strong; this we also pray for, that you be made complete."
~ 2 Corinthians 13:9

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