Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Courageous"....the movie.


   Last night I was able to go see the new movie "Courageous" in the theater with a friend. I'm not one to go to movies often but it was special that we got to go together....and to such a great movie! If you haven't seen it yet, you really should! Yes, it IS rated PG-13 - so make your own choice when bringing kids. It contains violence and drug content (since they are cops). I've heard there is also a book to work through as well as the full-length novel of the movie, and a resolution poster for men to do the same with as the men in the movie. I found a link here for the set.

   I'm starting to doubt Sherwood Films will ever "jump the shark". But how can they when they let God lead it? God doesn't go shark-jumping ;-)
    I laughed until my side hurt....I cried....I sat inspired. It is hilarious and moving all at the same time. But I will go no further. I'm not going to spill the beans!!!

   Grab a friend or family member and go see it! Or if you are among those who are waiting patiently for the DVD, just know that you should get it as soon as it's available. It is great stuff.
   And now a thought for us single ladies.... The "men of courage", as the movie Courageous calls them, can seem few and far between at times. My friend and I discussed it after the movie...they're rare. We're here wondering where those men are - but we concluded that they are also out there...wondering where the ladies are.
    Married ladies, all I can say is this: support your man. Support him in being a real man. Support him in becoming a strong and godly man of integrity. Support him. Support him. Support him. It is so beautiful and inspiring to see a woman come alongside her man to support and encourage him as he grows to be the godly man he is striving to be.
    And finally, ask God to mold your heart to Him, so you will grow more and more as a lady of true beauty. Encourage the ladies around you to do the same. As men can be guilty of taking their role lightly, undoubtedly us women are each often guilty of the same when it comes to our role as ladies.

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