Thursday, August 25, 2011

Make Your Own Bath Bombs

   These are SO much fun - for kiddos and adults alike! You can just plop one into the tub for a fun fizz! PLUS you can chose what ingredients go in it which makes it a great way to naturally cleanse your skin. Spend some time with your kiddos or siblings - have some fun girl time while you sqoosh these fun pieces of art together. You could even use something like this to make a little money. You could sell them at an online store, your local farmers market, friends and family, or even make them for gifts at different holidays (sometimes it's so hard to figure out a *good* gift to make that is actually something worth giving).

You'll need...

Dry Ingredients
-1 cup baking soda
-1 cup corn starch
-2/3 cup citric acid
-1/2 cup Epsom salts (or other salts)

Wet Ingredients
- 1/4 Tblsp. water
- 2 tsp.. essential oil (your choice of scent - we used pepermint)
- 2 1/2 Tblsp. light vegetable oil (your choice)
- 1 to 2 drops of food coloring (optional - we didn't use any)

     1. Mix together the dry ingredients and set aside.

2. Mix together the wet ingredients in a separate bowl.

3. SLOWLY pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture while stirring with a whisk. If you pour it too fast it will activate the ingredients and it will fizz - don't use up your fizz yet! It will probably seem like there's not enough wet mixture, but keep mixing and it should turn into a sand-like consistency.

4. Line muffin tin with muffin papers (notice we didn't do this, see tips below) and squoosh the sand-like mixture into the molds. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.

 5. Next, carefully pop them out of the mold to finish dry for about 3 days.

 6. Store them in an air-tight container after they are completely dry for up to 6 months. When you're ready to use it, simply fill the tub with nice warm water, plop one in, and watch it fizz!

- If the mixture starts to foam while adding ingredients, quickly stir the excess wet in to dilute it in the dry mixture.
- After stirring it in completely, if it needs more liquid or more dry ingredient, you can add more - just make sure you don't over-do it.
- We didn't use paper muffin cups for ours, but I'd probably suggest it because it would be easier to get them out - so really it's your choice.
- As a rule of thumb, the more surface area, the faster they'll fizzle away into the water.

   That's it! Be creative by using things around the house to make your own fun mold! Some people even use those plastic Christmas ornaments that come apart so you can fill the insides with candy.

   Try it out! It's fun. I need to seal ours up in a container because my bedroom smells like peppermint right now with them sitting out!

This post is linked up at what I think I'd call my two favorite blogs <3

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thankfulness In The Shape Of A Cake

   Many times people do things for us that make us feel all warm inside. They selflessly sacrifice their time or money to share hope with us. They let God's love flow through them and you are the recipient. No money can buy the feeling that you get when someone goes out of their way to show you you're of worth. And no sum of money can be spent to remind us that our worth is in the Lord.

   One of the main themes of this blog is not just to encourage you to do "good things", but to have practical things you can use to show the character of your heart. Think of someone who's done something for you lately, whether big or small. Did you thank them? Perhaps you sent them a card or called them on the phone. Maybe you gave them a hug or dropped by their house just to say "thanks" for their support and encouragement. Well this time, take it one step further.

   In this day and age it seems like food is a great way to say thanks to people. Partially because we like to eat, but partially because it took time and care to create that food. That time and care shows our feelings toward that person. I know that sometimes people buy candy, or something from the local bakery, but next time, make them a cake. Or some other goody. It doesn't HAVE to be a sweet, but have it home-made. Show them that they're not worth a quick $1 of a card and $1.50 worth of bubblegum. When they take their time to do something special for you, show them that they mean so much more than just a quick $2.50. In fact, the cake would probably cost you less than $2.50 homemade - but nevertheless, the real worth that you are putting into it is your love and appreciation for that person. (I know sometimes "a card and candy" is truly all we have time for, and that's okay, but if you can squeeze in a couple minutes to whip something together, it will mean a ton to them)

   They show they care about you, then you show you care about them.

"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith." ~ Galatians 6:10

   So next time you want to say a big thanks, go beyond a heart-felt card and do something even more special.

   Feel free to share your experience with a "big thank you" in your own life below, whether you (or a friend) made something or did something special to show how thankful you were.

Linked to:

Friday, August 12, 2011

She Wore All White...

Today I'm guest-posting at a great blog called Homemaker By Choice. Click here and come check it out!

If the link isn't working, copy and paste this URL :


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Do You Know What Poison Ivy Looks Like?

Sometimes when I say, "Watch out for the poison ivy!" I may get a response something along the lines of, "Okay, I'll try, but I don't really know what it looks like." Yikes! You need to know what this stuff is or you may be in for a big surprise!

It's light-colored in this pic, but comes in all shades.

Do a Google image search or use your favorite search engine to find pictures of poison ivy. Study it. See if there are different varieties of it. Then remember what it looks like and avoid it! Also show it to others and teach your siblings or kids what it looks like. Summer is upon us and getting an itchy rash can be quite a nuisance.

     If you realize that you did get into some poison ivy, wash your skin (or clothing) very well with soap. It is the oils that irritate the skin, so you want to wash off all the oils as soon as possible, before you break out in a rash. Washing off the oils, or washing "just to be on the safe side" if you are unsure you came in contact with it, can be a good preventative.

     It can also often be confused with other plants that aren't actually poison ivy.

The above is poison ivy, but the rest aren't.

Looks similar, but has 5 leaves when mature, 3 leaves when still young.


The plant inside the green circle is a baby raspberry plant, the leaves on the right, outside of the circle, are poison ivy. Click on this picture to see a bigger version and to be able to study it better. The raspberry's leaves are toothed, whereas the poison ivy is a bit smoother.

     What are some other plants you know of that people sometimes confuse with poison ivy? The plants will vary depending on your region.

Here are some great blogs that I'm linking up with today!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Raw Mango Cobbler

Sound like junk food? Well it's not! Look at the ingredients. They're all good, healthy ingredients. In fact, we actually made this for breakfast one day. For one, it has no refined sugar in it, and for two it is all raw. The nutrients aren't cooked out of the food. Why eat baked mangos when you can eat them raw with all those live enzymes and whatever else is in those things? Ha ha! I know you've heard it before: raw fruit is better for you than cooked.

Well this is a guilt-free recipe and is sooo yummy! It tastes just like a cobbler you'd get out of the oven.

As a rule of thumb, the better the mango, the better the cobbler. So try to get nice, ripe mangoes.

This recipe is our spin on the fresh mango cobbler recipe from "Ani's Raw Food Kitchen" recipe book. This is by no means meant as an infringement of copyright. Check out the book, it has a lot of neat recipes. I'm just the same as anyone else, and sometimes I like junk food. But I am so thankful for the friends who have opened up the whole new world of raw foods to us. Yeah, maybe it sounds hippie, but it sure does open up some healthful options, whether it be dessert or any other dish.


-3 cup pecans, dry (or walnuts)
-1 teaspoon vanilla
-3/4 teaspoon sea salt
-3/4 cup pitted dates

-3/4 cup itted dates
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
-1/3 cup water

3-4 ripe mangoes, peeled, seeded, and diced (about 6 cups)

To make crust process pecans, vanilla, and salt into a powder in food processor. Add 3/4 cup pitted dates. Process until mixed well. Put half of the crust in the cobbler dish. Set aside other half for topping.

To make the syrup, process all ingredients in syrup list. Add more water if needed.

Toss mango pieces into the syrup. Put mixture on bottom crust. Top with remaining half of crust. Eat and enjoy!

 Try it! It's WAY easier than it looks!


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